Entry # 7: Fresh Food
Hello everyone welcome back to my blog! Today I am going to be talking a movie and asking myself some questions and answering them. As for what the movie is, it is called Fresh. A movie about the food industry with our farmers and it goes into details on their farm life and how the industry runs. Now I ask myself, what is the purpose of this film? Well I feel the purpose of this film is to have you really think deeply on the food you are buying. I guarantee a lot of people haven't put much thought into what you are buying and where it's coming from, what are they feeding the animals? There was a spot in the movie that really shocked me, a farmer named Russ Kremer was tending to his pigs one day and got stabbed by one of his pigs with it's tusks. Russ ignored the injury because of him being a quote "farmer boy." After a few weeks he had to go to the hospital because the wound got infected badly and if he didn't go at that moment he went, he could've lost his leg. This made Russ realize that he needs to treat his pigs better and take care of them in a better environment, at the time of his accident Russ kept all his pigs in tight spaces and fed them antibiotic filled meals with other drugs that allow them to grow faster. After the realization, he decided to start over with his pig farm. Now all of his pigs are out eating grass and healthier things that will allow them to grow normally and the most important thing is that they are no longer cramped into a small space. This shocked me because I never heard of someone dying or even getting injured by their own animals.
The photo above shows the pigs current state in Russ's farm. The contrast of what life they were living to what they are now is a huge difference. To continue on with the topic of this movie, I'd like to talk about how I feel about this movie. This movie was very interesting to me, the most farm experience I have was going to farmers markets located downtown. I found it very relieving that a couple of families within the movie care about their crops and animals, they didn't use drugs or use dead animals to feed their livestock. The farm life seems really challenging and it is giving me a new found respect for every single farmer in the world. I commend them that they work so hard to provide all of us food and that they have to make really hard choices about their livestock. I can only hope that more and more farmers move away from the industry that only cares about making money and making products fast. I hope that every farm can go down the route of restoring nature with their animals like Joel Salatin. Joel uses natural herding with his cows and has them feed off the grass and vegetation around the area, then he has the chickens come by and eat the worms and bugs. With the help of both the cows and the chickens, they can naturally heal the ground and will be able to provide more food for them down the road.

I enjoyed reading your blog. You went in depth and I really liked that. The video really showed us a lot of things that we were not aware of.
ReplyDeleteI really like the way you explain things, you write in a way that connects you with the reader and I like that a lot! Reading what you have to say makes me want to watch the film Fresh all over again.