Blog #6 Can a Devil Cry?
Hello everyone, today I will be talking about the popular video game series Devil May Cry that is made by Capcom. I mentioned Devil May Cry in the blog I briefly talked about Resident Evil 4. Devil May Cry or as I will call it for simplicity sake, DMC was a prototype of RE4 but became it's own thing. DMC is a hack and slash game where you fight enemies or as they're known as in game, demons in stylish ways instead of you quickly killing enemies. DMC 1 despite it's age is a fantastic game, sure the graphics aren't the greatest anymore but they have a classic Capcom charm that fills you with wonder as you explore this island full of demons and a castle with many secrets. You can safely assume I love DMC 1 and I think it's one of the best old games you can play and my only complaint with the game is some of the bosses and some of the enemies as they are really annoying to deal with. Why are they annoying to deal with? Well, let me explain and show an example.

This is Nelo Angelo or as he is supposed to be known as Nero Angelo. For this explanation, I am going to refer to him as Nelo. Nelo Angelo is a challenging boss if you have no idea how to handle him, almost all of his moves is the same as your characters attacks. Nelo can hit harder and can break out of your combos and do the same thing you did to him right back at you while he taunts you after he finishes his combo. The very first time you fight Nelo Angelo he feels like he is holding back as he runs away the lower his health goes and even taunts you to come to him but when you fight him for the third time, that's when his true power shows. Nelo Angelo in the third fight, begins to teleport, block more and shoot multiple spectral swords, Nelo is not holding back anymore and he wants you gone. The spectral swords that he fires at you is what makes this fight even harder as the swords don't fire in the same exact pattern allowing you to easily dodge, no Nelo can fire up to seven swords I believe at the same time or make the swords float around you and he will hold it for a few seconds to either bait you into dodging early causing you to take massive damage. Now I know I complained or mentioned I find this guy annoying but he is one of my favorite boss fights in this entire game. Most of my complaints for this game are not really how I feel all the time as when I look back, I really enjoy those fights and some, like Nelo Angelo is one of my favorites in the entire series. Although sometimes Nelo can get on my nerves and do things that can annoy me, he's just really hard and you really need to learn how to fight this guy. Now I want to talk about the main character of the game before I wrap things up and his name is Dante.

Dante is the son of Sparda, a :Legendary Dark Knight of the demon world. Dante wasn't the only child of Sparda as he has an older twin brother named Vergil. Dante and Vergil were close as children, they used wooden swords to play fight with each other to see who is the better swordsman and who can become as strong as Sparda. Sadly though, that happy young life they had was snuffed away from them as demons attacked their home to seek revenge on Sparda, Dante was locked away in a closet by his mother and she ran off to go find Vergil who was left in the front yard, all alone. Their mother was cut down by demons before she could even reach Vergil. Outside, demons started to surround Vergil but Vergil picked up his father's sword, the "Yamato" he used the sword to kill all the demons around him. After his adrenaline ended, he felt as if his mother abandoned him and didn't try to come rescue him. When in reality she did, she tried her hardest but wasn't able to make it. This made Vergil to believe in lies he told himself, forcing him to grow up. Now setting him on a path of only wanting one thing now, power. Dante on the other hand knew the truth of their mother and escaped the house once the dust has settled. In contrast to his brother, Dante grew to live a more rebellious and carefree lifestyle. He didn't care about the demonic side within him or care about where he came from anymore. As Dante grew older he starts a company and tries to start it all on his own. A demon hunting gig but he lacks the funds to do so. Dante after a sequence of events that I will get into another time, Dante starts his demon hunting company and the name he chose for it is, "Devil May Cry." One of his first big jobs was to investigate an island called Mallet Island and kill a powerful demon within, little did Dante know at the time was that the island housed the demon lord Mundus, the demon that got his family killed. The one who put in the order to get revenge. That's all I have for you now, I hope you all enjoyed this blog, thank you for reading and I'll see you next time with my next blog where I might talk about what happened in those "sequence of events." Until next time, Jackpot!
Your four new entries look really good, Tristan. Your writing flows well, and you have good personality in your writing. Good visual appeal with images and layout. You are developing your content well and creating significance for your audience. Keep working the concepts of rhetoric to connect to your audience and keep them engaged. Keep it up!