Hello again, welcome back to my blog page, today I will like to talk about new crochet plans and projects I want to do for my friend and for myself. Ever since I started to work on that scarf I mentioned in my pervious blog, on my spare time and breaks from crochet, I've found myself looking on Pinterest for more inspirations on what I can do next. I have found a couple and would like to share with you all. For starters I feel I should recommend what yarn brand you should use, as this was recommended to me by my yarn enthusiast friend. The brand I recommend getting is Red Heart, they're soft and vibrant with many colors and sizes to chose from and for a reasonable price. You can find them just about anywhere, like Amazon, Joann's and Walmart.

This is one of the many colors you can find for Red Heart, to find this exact color head to
Joann's website and feel free to check out other colors that may interest you! Now that I've shown and recommended a yarn brand, I'd like to now talk about what I had plan for this blog. While I was scrolling through Pinterest, I found a couple of free patterns of crochet projects that I'd like to make for myself and for my friend. The patterns are little plushies of Pokémon's, I found them to be absolutely adorable and precious, I knew I had to add them to a list of things I want to create. Here is what they look like;
You can find them too on Pinterest or the website tied to the patterns, in order it goes
Squirtle and
Ivysaur. These three cute little guys are from Pokémon, a popular video game, anime, and card game. Sadly I won't be able to work on these right away because I do not have the right colors of yarn to make them and I don't want to start on project then immediately move on to another one without finishing the first project. I can't wait thought to make these guys, they will be more challenging to make than a scarf and I welcome that challenge. The experience needed to make these according to the ones who made them and posted them for free for everyone to follow along said, that you need to at least know the vocabulary and be familiar with how crochet works. but it was also stated that you can be an adventures beginner. So if you feel comfortable or are ready to tackle a harder challenge, these three and many more will be a good place to start. Thank you for reading my blog, a bit of a longer one today but I hope you enjoyed it and found new things.
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